Broad Peak
- Karakoram, Pakistan
- Summit: July 23rd, 2014
- Second Romanian Ascent; no supplementary oxygen, no High Altitude Porters

While acclimatising, each time before setting up for the first time for a big climb, I purposely leave some things to be done into the base camp, and not at home.
For a few good hours I dive into my tent. Sharpening my crampons and my ice axes, putting up my supporters' logos on my summit down suit, perfectly fitting my crampons on my acclimatisation boots, sorting out the climbing gear, cutting the right size the bamboo sticks for high altitude deep snow tent pitching and many different other fine tuning operations.
All these are really getting me into "The Zone". Which is a necessary and essential part of the process.
Most of the line to be climbed is clearly visible fromĀ Base Camp and yesterday afternoon I did some route reading through a powerful lens, looking especially for potential sections prone to avalanches.