
April 3, 2011

As always when first reaching this height I am feeling the altitude a bit; we'll spent here the next 2,3 days for proper acclimatisation.

April 2, 2011

În marş spre Kangchenjunga (articol Romania libera)

Alpinistul Alex Găvan va încerca să escaladeze în primavara acestui an vârful Kangchenjunga din Himalaya, al treilea ca înălţime din lume. Situat undeva la graniţa dintre Nepal şi India, Kangchenjunga are o înălţime de 8586 m şi ...
April 2, 2011

Tseram, 3870m. Walked most of the day through a fully blossomed Rhododendron forest and centuries old trees. Passed a small Buddhist shrine

April 2, 2011

and from beyound this point the valley is considered sacred. Still no glimpse of the high summits since they are covered by clouds.

April 1, 2011

Just arrived in Torontan at 3060m after a rainy 15 Km trek ,reaching previously 3520m on Deorali Danda; total height gained today 1690m;

April 1, 2011

total height loss 750m. Just going now up the valley of Simbuwa Khola will take us to the Yalung Glacier and from there to the Base Camp.

March 31, 2011

Pawel played a practical joke on me in the morning for April's 1st: a big snake entering our room during the night;he was quite convincing

March 30, 2011

Heavily raining all night and today till noon. The porter carring my trekking barrel left without notice letting me without any waterproof

March 30, 2011

equipment. The professional's solution: a very ordinarry plastic bag over my head and backpack. Porters stopped less than half the distance

March 30, 2011

planned for today and there was no way to make them continue. Now in the Tamang village of Khebang (1800m),in a Lord of the Rings' scenerry.


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